This ia a old Sketch I ran across and decided to finish it for practice. I love robots and ninjas. My friend is a producer who also calls himself "Ominous Red". So it started out as practice then ended up as a tribute. Fun piece.
The final film plates were provided to me from the director. For the eggtree design I used Max and Mudbox to get to a 50% solution then painted on top of them using Photoshop. Each matte took about 6-10 hours each. The matte with the giant pointy rocks I ended up painting from scratch. That's why it still looks like concept art and not as real as it should be. I need to find a better solution. I wish I could have spent more time on them. But I have very little of it these days. Great learning experience though. Need more practice.
Thanks to Luke Stewart for giving me permission to post these.
After looking at this one for a while I'm not sure if I like this design. I think I got caught up in texturing before I realized this design wasn't working. Any way here is my Yoda for this time period. I figured his advantage is he can see everything. He even has 4 arms to fight in back and the front. The Asian text is made up. On to the next one.
Haven't been on here for a while. Been crazy busy.
These are some concept mattes I did for Halodad. We are still in concept phase so the objective is to just lay down rough comps. The director gave me plates to sketch on. I put just enough detail to sell the idea. Luckily the shots are locked off so no camera tracking. These are really fun to do. I can't wait to see the final shots.
I was honored when 3dtotal asked me to create a tutorial of my Unicron Piece. It's on the front page now. It will be up for a week. After that I think the link changes. Any way if you catch it this week the link will work. After that I don't know. I'll try to update this entry when it does. Regardless I'm really excited about this exposure. A lot of masters dwell here.
Tutorial (sorry guys you have to copy and paste the link below)
Production art for Halodad. Model and rendering done by See Ooi Lim who is young and incredibly talented. Check his site when you get a chance.
I took his render and painted it into a scene. Since his works was so good I really didn't have to do much. Great job See Ooi! More to come.
This was a block sketch from a few months ago. I just finished watching some of Feng Zhu's video demos. I learn some thing new everytime I see his stuff. About a solid hour's work.
Here are the final boxes I made for my nephews. Christmas was awesome this year. It was great to see how excited they were to receive them. I bundled MK vs DC with the Batman box and Street Fighter 4 with Spiderman. Unfortunately I only got one shot of one of my nephews holding up his. His name ironically is "Ryu". See the little guy holding up the box. He can only throw hadokens at the moment. He's still practicing he tells me. Super awesome!
I got a time lapsed video of some of the box production and artwork. It will be up soon.